01/03/2023 / By News Editors
The World Economic Forum (“WEF”) and the World Wildlife Fund (“WWF”) have chosen three leading influencers – Greta Thunberg, Jane Goodall and David Attenborough – to market the ideology under the guise of a “new deal for nature.” In a previous article, we briefly looked at Goodall, who is not good at all. In this article, we briefly look at Attenborough.
(Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from Expose-News.com)
The “new deal for nature’s” three marketeers are part of a much larger and all-encompassing plan. As highlighted by Professor Dolores Cahill, the United Nations’ (“UN’s”) Agenda 21 is a plan for this entire century and covers the 100 or so years from 1992, when it was adopted, up to the year 2099. There are detailed road maps for each decade – Agenda 2030, Agenda 2040, Agenda 2050 and so on.
As part of Agenda 2030, there are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The 17 SDGs were adopted by all UN member States in 2015. Agenda 2030 set out a 15-year plan to achieve the SDGs, i.e., a plan to implement the goals by the end of 2030. The “new deal for nature” falls under SDG14 and SDG15 and is being mis-sold to the public as “protecting biodiversity.”
Two of the marketeers aren’t only mis-selling the “new deal for nature,” that will displace around 300 million indigenous people and countless farmers, but Goodall and Attenborough are also openly marketing depopulation.
Attenborough is an English broadcaster, natural historian and author. He is best known for writing and presenting, in conjunction with the BBC Natural History Unit, the nine natural history documentary series forming the Life collection that constitutes a comprehensive survey of animal and plant life on Earth.
He has also talked for decades about overpopulation and how that drives climate change – a favourite topic with the very richest in the world. He is a member of the UK-based charity Population Matters (formerly known as Optimum Population Trust), was a friend of Prince Philip, has described human beings as a “plague on the Earth” and said sending food to famine-ridden countries is “barmy.”
Population Matters is a London-based think tank seeking to reduce the number of live births globally to reduce human impact on the environment. The organisation promotes widespread abortion, contraception, and sterilisation – styled “family planning” – in poorer countries and encourages smaller family sizes in developed nations. As well as Attenborough, famous patrons include Paul Ehrlich, Chris Packham and Goodall.
Wikispooks has selected some of Attenborough’s remarks that unmistakably demonstrate his misanthropy. Here is one such remark from 2009:
“For the past 20 years, I’ve never had any doubt that the source of the Earth’s ills is overpopulation. I can’t go on saying this sort of thing and then fail to put my head above the parapet.” – David Attenborough (2009)
A couple of years later, Attenborough presented the 2011 Royal Society for Arts (“RSA”) President’s Lecture – a speech entitled ‘People and Planet’. The introduction to his speech was made by the late Prince Phillip. “The dangers facing the earth’s ecosystems are well known and the subject of great concern at all levels. Climate change is high on the list. But there is an underlying and associated cause — population growth,” RSA’s video description reads.
The Over Population Project believes there is no better video presentation on the consequences of overpopulation than Attenborough’s RSA President’s Lecture. This is not surprising as the sole aim of the Overpopulation Project is to study and highlight the environmental impacts of overpopulation, including “humane policies” to end population growth around the world. Their “solutions” read eerily similar to some of Agenda 2030’s SDGs.
During his RSA lecture, Attenborough pontificated: “Fifty years ago when the WWF was founded, there were about 3 billion people on Earth. Now there are almost 7 billion … and every one of them needing space … the impact of these extra millions of people has spread far beyond the space that they physically claimed … we now realise that the disasters that continue increasingly to afflict the natural world have one element that connects them all – the unprecedented increase in the number of human beings on the planet. There had been prophets who’ve warned us of this impending disaster. Of course, one of the first was Thomas Malthus.”
He explained further in a blog: “Fifty years ago, a group of far-sighted people in this country [Great Britain] got together to warn the world of an impending disaster. Among them were a distinguished scientist, Sir Julian Huxley …” Attenborough omitted to mention that Huxley, among other things, was the leading transhumanist godfather and president of the most infamous eugenics society in Europe, the British Eugenics Society.
Attenborough’s association with eugenicists doesn’t end with admiration of Huxley. In 2012 Attenborough was interviewed by Wellcome Trust. The Trust has a close relationship with the British Eugenics Society which was renamed the Galton Institute in 1989. Its library is the guardian of the Eugenics Society historical archives and several top governance positions at the Galton Institute include individuals who originally worked at Wellcome Trust.
Speaking to eugenics associated Wellcome Trust, Attenborough declared that he “couldn’t think of a single problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve if there were less people.”
The false climate change narrative is used as a selling point for depopulation and Attenborough is relentless in his marketing of both. A clip from Attenborough’s Netflix series ‘Our Planet‘ was shown at the 2019 WEF’s Davos summit to convince attendees that climate change really is having a deadly impact on the world and everything in it. Later, evidence came to light revealing that Attenborough presented fraudulent and misleading information in his clip. And it wasn’t the last time Attenborough was caught out spreading disinformation.
Further reading:
Despite being shown up as a charlatan, Attenborough has continued to peddle his wares. In February 2021, he briefed the UN Security Council: “We are today perilously close to tipping points that, once passed, will send global temperatures spiralling catastrophically higher. if we continue on our current path, we will face the collapse of everything.”
“Tipping point” has been a favoured term for climate alarmists for decades and there have been several such proclamations. If any of their scaremongering predictions had been vaguely true, “the collapse of everything” would have happened in the 1980s if not sooner.
Attenborough, of course, has a close association with WEF. He has been a regular speaker at WEF events, maybe to mentally prepare business and government managers for the agenda of quick depopulation. But in 2020, WEF wheeled out the other two marketeers for their annual meeting at Davos. One of the key areas WEF prioritised was “how to save the planet.” Klaus Schwab invited Thunberg who hysterically declared “our house is still on fire” and Goodall attended one of the Davos 2020 sessions to declare there would be no environmental problems if the world’s population was 450 million instead of the current 8 billion.
Attenborough was not completely left out in the cold though. In a conveniently timed appeal, a week before Davos 2020 began, “>The Knowledge Exchange Australia regurgitated Attenborough’s interview of 8 years previously with Wellcome Trust. The description of their video highlights that Attenborough “points out our human population is clearly one of the drivers that underlie all global problems.” The 2-minute excerpt began with Attenborough’s statement from 8 years earlier:
“I have no doubt that the fundamental source of all our problems, particularly our environmental problems, is population growth. I can’t think of a single problem that would be easier to solve if there were less people”
Rachel Elnaugh, a UK entrepreneur of BBC’s ‘Dragons’ Den’ fame, summed it up in a Telegram post which we’ve copied below.
We know that David Attenborough is a frequent speaker at Davos and is heavily involved as an advisor to WEF. It’s easy to understand then, how “global overpopulation” was used as the justification to get so many countries to agree to the Covid/Great Reset/mass culling master plan.
The problem on the planet is not population – it is a system that delivers all of the money and resources to a tiny number of ruthless, heartless, soulless people.
I have a better solution. Redistribute all of the wealth, including land, of the 1% “elite” to local communities to ensure that everyone has the basic resources of clean water, land and equipment to create sustainable energy and locally grown organic food.
Read more at: Expose-News.com
Tagged Under:
Climate, climate change, conspiracy, current events, David Attenborough, depopulation, disinfo, environment, eugenics, global warming, green tyranny, left cult, lies, over population
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