News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
Hillary Clinton: Climate change is “sexist” … huh? Left-wing climate narrative collapses into irrational nonsense
On a hot summer day, most people probably don’t go outside, look up towards the sun and say, “this heat is sexist.” That would be utterly moronic – obviously, the weather can’t be discriminatory towards women because weather is an objective force that affects everyone equally. But is there anyone out there that would actually […]
By Jayson Veley
LIBS SEEK SCIENCE PURGE: “Hockey stick” climate change hoax artist demands Trump-supporting scientist be removed from the American Museum of Natural History
Why is it that liberals have to find a way to inject their radical political agenda into all that is good and wholesome, even when it comes to things that have absolutely nothing to do with politics at all? James Delingpole of Breitbart News is now reporting that a group of 182 self-proclaimed “scientists” have penned […]
By Jayson Veley
BUSTED: The EPA spent millions in taxpayer dollars to push climate change propaganda via social media
Under the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency was one of the most tyrannical, lawless institutions in the entire country, spitting out tens of thousands of unconstitutional regulations each year and compelling businesses to abide by the left’s radical climate change agenda. Mind you, these are regulations that the American people did not vote for, […]
By Jayson Veley
When smart people say stupid things: Stephen Hawking claims overpopulation will turn Earth into a literal “ball of fire”
It’s certainly strange how sometimes even the most brilliant minds among us can come up with the most ridiculous ideas imaginable. Sir Isaac Newton, for example, believed that it was possible to see into the future by finding hidden clues and secrets within the Bible. William Herschel, who is credited with discovering the planet Uranus, […]
By Jayson Veley
Liberals attack the FAMILY: If you have kids, YOU are destroying the planet
It seems as though the more desperate the liberal democrats become to sell their radical agenda to the American people, the more strange and nonsensical their arguments become. Take a recent article published by NBC News, for example, which suggests that if the people of the earth would just stop having children, then we could […]
By Jayson Veley
Prince William argues for urgent depopulation efforts in Africa
Prince William recently warned that the population growth in Africa is putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the natural world and driving many species of animals to extinction. “Africa’s rapidly growing human population is predicted to more than double by 2050 – a staggering increase of three and a half million people per month,” […]
By Jayson Veley
Geological record reveals that fluctuating temperatures are normal for a living planet: Ancient evidence from the Caribbean proves there were more extreme conditions in the past
It seems as though the more evidence that is released that counters the liberal narrative of man-made global warming, the more desperate the left becomes to flood the airwaves and the halls of Congress with rhetoric and propaganda. It’s as if they fall deeper and deeper into denial each and every time a study is […]
By Jayson Veley
Netflix now mentally terrorizing children with scary climate alarmism embedded in “Magic School Bus” propaganda cartoon
Once upon a time, cartoons were about coyotes that blew themselves up with sticks of dynamite and cats that would always be outsmarted by mice. But we live in a much different time now, and cartoons, much like virtually everything else in American society, have been infected by the cancer that is progressivism. The Magic School […]
By Jayson Veley
Former EPA scientist calls on Trump to end the “fake science” bureaucracy that has taken over the federal government
While you’ve probably heard of the term “fake news,” which is most often used in reference to the spread of inaccurate or fabricated political rhetoric, one term that is heard less often but deserves just as much attention is “fake science.” As the name implies, fake science refers to scientific data that has been intentionally […]
By Jayson Veley
Government agencies fabricate science data all the time, warns science whistleblower
One of the biggest lies ever told by the left – and there have been many – is the idea that manmade global warming is going to lead to the end of our world, and that the only thing that can stop it is the implementation of a massive, centralized government. In order to sell […]
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