News & Articles By D. Samuelson
By D. Samuelson
Fifty-eight new science papers published in 2017 reveal NO global warming… “climate change” hoax unravels under scientific scrutiny
Millions of Americans have been awakened to the diabolical falsehoods that proclaim the same mantra over and over; if our carbon output increases, the imminent destruction of our planet is at hand. But those who know better have heartstrings that are not pulled when bought and paid for scientists and politicians feign sympathy for third world nations and coastlines teeming with poor people who will […]
By D. Samuelson
Climate change propagandists admit that “facts” don’t add up with the public, so they’re working on more influential language strategies to convince people who are “confused” by the lack of evidence
When lies define the landscape, there are several techniques that can be used to promote said lies, even amid the pushback from those unwilling to swallow every hook, line and sinker willingly. Whether these techniques are labeled as sales campaigns, marketing strategies or simple public relations, the bottom line is the same for those paid to maintain the cycle; they will do whatever it takes to control society’s […]
By D. Samuelson
Elon Musk, CLIMATE HYPOCRITE: He flies around on a fuel-guzzling private jet while claiming fossil fuels will destroy the Earth
Back in 2015 Elon Musk was sharing his immense concern about what would happen if “governments continue to rely on fossil fuels.” The founder of Tesla and Space X was, as reported by the Business Insider, especially worried about the two billion people living within 60 miles of a coastline. These folks wouldn’t just lose their homes to the […]
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