carbon emissions
By Ethan Huff
The latest left-wing ecological insanity: Clear-cutting forests to burn the trees for “green” energy
In the interest of stopping “global warming,” government officials in the United Kingdom have partnered with companies and governments in the state of Virginia to hack down large swaths of southern hardwood forest in order to create “biomass” energy for use across the pond. Since continuing to burn native fossil fuels like coal won’t help […]
By Tracey Watson
Proof the Earth regulates carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, self-adjusting for warming or cooling temperatures
The catastrophic man-made global warming theory has gained worldwide acceptance despite a serious lack of scientific evidence to back it up. Anyone who dares to question the theory is quickly labeled an anti-science quack. Nonetheless, many reputable studies cast doubt on this theory. The latest such study was conducted by the Marine Biological Laboratory in […]
By Tracey Watson
Climate change computer models totally “wrong” … new science finds models wildly over-projecting rises in global temperature
Belief in the concept of catastrophic man-made global warming is now virtually demanded of everyone who wants to be taken seriously and perceived to be a thinking, educated person. Scientists, the mainstream media and public figures like Al Gore have been ramming the concept down our throats for years now, but independent media leaders like […]
By Isabelle Z.
Global warming temperature changes found to be “entirely natural” … they would have happened with or without human activity
It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that human activity is solely responsible for global warming. After all, a very vocal contingent of scientists insists this is the case, and they have a chorus of celebrities echoing that sentiment at every opportunity. However, if the matter really was so cut and dry, […]
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