global warming hoax
By JD Heyes
REAL scientists decimate idiot claims by Left-wing climate kooks Gore and Brown that California’s wildfires are the “new normal”
As wildfires continue to rage in Southern California, Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and former Vice President Al “We’re dead in a decade” Gore took to media mics to proclaim that, thanks to human-caused “climate change,” the fires are now the “new normal.” When Brown wasn’t blaming the fires on President Donald J. Trump, he was […]
By JD Heyes
California wildfires burning out of control are natural phenomena, NOT “climate change” — fires have raged on earth for billions of years
After days of terrorizing and destroying much of California’s wine country and surrounding regions, several wildfires continue to burn out of control, killing more than 30 people in what has now become the deadliest fire in the state’s history. More deaths are expected, say officials in the region, as fires continue to rage, leveling forested […]
By JD Heyes
Bill Nye slammed by real scientists for blaming hurricanes on “climate change”
If you’re a far-Left “progressive,” this won’t matter to you because you’re more than likely also a member in good standing of the Church of Global Warming and Climate Change, but TV personality Bill Nye really isn’t a “science guy.” And he sure as the world isn’t a trained climatologist or even meteorologist. He’s a […]
By D. Samuelson
Fifty-eight new science papers published in 2017 reveal NO global warming… “climate change” hoax unravels under scientific scrutiny
Millions of Americans have been awakened to the diabolical falsehoods that proclaim the same mantra over and over; if our carbon output increases, the imminent destruction of our planet is at hand. But those who know better have heartstrings that are not pulled when bought and paid for scientists and politicians feign sympathy for third world nations and coastlines teeming with poor people who will […]
By JD Heyes
Heartless Leftists politicize Hurricane Harvey, blaming victims for causing “climate change”
In an interview with CNN’s “New Day” morning co-host Chris Cuomo, top presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway got a little irritated when she was asked what was, given the circumstances and subject matter, an incredibly stupid question. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the two first sparred over the issue of congressional funding for Hurricane Harvey […]
By JD Heyes
Former Obama officials operating shadow “science” network to push politicized climate data on an unsuspecting public
The New York Times had the latest dire warning about our impending doom from human-caused global warming/climate change: Government scientists from 13 agencies have all concluded, once again, that our modern society is killing the planet, “directly” contradicting President Donald J. Trump “and members of his Cabinet” who have dismissed such nonsense as a hoax. […]
By JD Heyes
Draining the swamp: Top EPA official resigns over climate change hoax
The hoax of human-caused global warming/climate change unraveled further last week after the resignation of a top official at the Environmental Protection Agency. As reported by Breitbart News, the official — Elizabeth “Betsy” Southerland — didn’t do it as a matter of conscience, per se; after all, she’d worked for EPA for three decades, was […]
By JD Heyes
Three California counties putting the ENTIRE world economy at risk with $54 billion lawsuit against oil and coal companies
Without a doubt, fossil fuels – oil and coal, primarily – drove the industrial and technological revolutions of the past 150 years, and they continue to support the advancement of economies around the world today, while making life for billions of people more comfortable than at any time in history. Despite that, lunatics in three […]
By Mike Adams
Climate change scientists launch geoengineering experiment that may accidentally cause global famine
Climate change “mad scientists” from Harvard have been given the green light to pursue a geoengineering experiment that will expel aerosols into the atmosphere to block out the sun in a deranged effort to halt so-called “global warming.” The initial experiment is small, but if it is deemed a success, it could be scaled up […]
By JD Heyes
Climate change baloney: Study finds “adjustments” were made to surface temp readings to FAKE “record-setting” warming
Yet another peer-reviewed study has proven that so-called “global warming” is nothing but a fabricated hoax, and yet American institutions of primary and secondary education continue to push the lie that modern human activity is destroying Earth. As reported by The Daily Caller, the new study, which was published by a pair of scientists and […]
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