By Ethan Huff
GLOBAL FREEZING? Surface temperatures in frigid Greenland have been DROPPING for 20 years
A team of Thai scientists and mathematicians has determined that surface temperatures throughout Greenland have actually been dropping over the past several decades as opposed to increasing. Countering the establishment’s global warming claims, the new research involved processing 31,464 satellite recordings from 2000 through 2019. On average, surface temperatures fell by 0.11°C, which is considered […]
By News Editors
Why “Zombie Ice” and other claims of Greenland ice melt raising sea levels are just modeled hokum
From the check your Chinese soot before you check your CO2 driven climate model department. (Article by Anthony Watts republished from One of the dumbest climate claims this week is “Zombie Ice” from the ever alarmed and almost always wrong Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press. He of course just made up the term “Zombie Ice” […]
By Kevin Hughes
Canadian zoologist: Polar bear population is flourishing
Contrary to the impressions made by the Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that the polar bear population is declining, Canadian zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford said it is actually flourishing. Crockford’s findings appeared in the State of the Polar Bear Report 2021 released by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) ahead of International Polar […]
By Virgilio Marin
Ice cores from top-secret Army base reveal Greenland was largely ice-free millions of years ago
A new study published in the journal PNAS suggests that Greenland might have been largely ice-free millions of years ago. Researchers arrived at this conclusion after studying ice core samples that U.S. Army scientists dug from a mile below northwestern Greenland in 1966 as part of a top-secret project codenamed “Iceworm.” The ice core was lost in a freezer for decades before it was […]
By Vicki Batts
Sorry, climate change fanatics: Turns out, Greenland’s glaciers are actually growing
If you buy into the climate change narrative, you might think that Earth’s glaciers are melting. And if you buy into total climate insanity, you might even think that the melting glaciers are one day going to flood most of the planet. But the latest research shows that Jakobshavn, once the fastest-melting glacier on Earth, […]
By Cassie B.
Greenland ice glacier GROWING as climate alarmists go into mass hysteria that defies real-world measurements
If you listen to the mainstream media and the global warming alarmism that dominates discussions of the environment there, you’d be forgiven for being convinced that glaciers are melting into the sea. However, real-world measurements fail to back that notion up – in fact, what they’re showing is that the exact opposite is happening. The […]
By Tracey Watson
How are the global warming alarmists going to explain this one? Major Greenland glacier is GROWING not shrinking
We’ve all seen headlines like this one: Global warming sees polar bears stranded on melting ice. Or, perhaps you caught this one: Global warming predicted to melt massive Himalayan glaciers, disrupt food production. That’s because the glaciers are all melting, sea levels are rising, islands are disappearing and we’re all going to die, right? Well, […]
By Cassie B.
Bombshell science study reveals internal heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s causing Greenland’s ice sheets to slide
The ice sheet in Greenland is melting, but it turns out that the culprit is not global warming, as some people would like to have you believe. Instead, researchers have now found proof that a hidden heat source deep inside the planet is behind this melting that is pushing glaciers into the ocean. Researchers from […]
By Amy Goodrich
Greenland ice melt caused by more sunny days, not catastrophic climate change, scientists discover
Since the mid-1990s, the Greenland ice sheet has been losing ice mass at a fast rate, resulting in raising sea levels worldwide. Lately, Greenland’s loss of ice has been the center of climate-related news. Though climate change alarmists blame global warming and CO2 emissions as the driving factors behind the accelerated rate of ice melt in […]
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