temperature data
By Mike Adams
Climate change science implodes as IPCC climate models found to be “totally wrong” … temperatures aren’t rising as predicted … hoax unraveling
A stunning new science paper authored by climate change alarmists and published in the science journal Nature Geoscience has just broken the back of the climate change hoax. The paper, authored by Myles R. Allen, Richard J. Millar and others, reveals that global warming climate models are flat wrong, having been deceptively biased toward “worst […]
By Tracey Watson
Australian scientists ordered to stop deleting cold temperature data as part of climate change “fake science” narrative
The conviction that global warming is “settled science” has become firmly established in the American consciousness. Truth be told, around the globe, those who do not accept catastrophic man-made global warming as fact are viewed as pariahs, delusional, out of touch with reality, perhaps even not in full possession of their mental faculties. After all, […]
By Mike Adams
Global Warming BOMBSHELL: Systematic science fraud revealed in alteration of temperature data
A rational review of global warming data has unveiled systematic scientific fraud to alter temperature data in support of the global warming false narrative. This is the largest discovery of scientific fraud in the history of science, and it shows that “global warming” and “climate change” are elaborate science hoaxes rooted in fraud, not fact. […]
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