03/31/2021 / By Ethan Huff
Failed presidential wannabe Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden’s “transportation secretary,” has a new idea for curbing “global warming:” taxing Americans based on every mile they drive.
As a teaser for fake “president” Joe Biden’s upcoming infrastructure plans, Buttigieg announced that Hunter’s dad “spoke fondly of a mileage levy,” suggesting that the plan is already in the works.
“When you think about infrastructure, it’s a classic example of the kind of investment that has a return on that investment,” Buttigieg proudly stated.
“That’s one of many reasons why we think this is so important. This is a jobs vision as much as it is an infrastructure vision, a climate vision and more. A so-called vehicle-miles-traveled tax or mileage tax, whatever you want to call it, could be a way to do it.”
According to Buttigieg, there is a strong “appetite” for coming up with new “sustainable funding streams” for America’s already grossly bloated government. In order to continue paying for roads while saving the climate, Buttigieg believes that taxing people based on how much they drive is the way to go.
“You’re hearing a lot of ‘maybe’ here because all of these things need to be balanced and could be part of the mix,” he added, calling the idea a “user-pays principle.”
Buttigieg also talked about issuing “Build America Bonds,” which he says hold “a lot of promise in terms of the way that we leverage that kind of financing.”
“There have been ideas around things like a national infrastructure bank, too.”
Because everything is now failing due to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) response, more tax money is supposedly needed from new sources – as if our federal overlords do not already rake in enough as it is – to ensure that the United States does not become a full-on third world country.
Some would argue that it already has, but Buttigieg has a script to read and his ideas apparently sound promising to Democrats who do not understand things like economics.
“There is near-universal recognition that a broader recovery will require a national commitment to fix and transform America’s infrastructure,” Buttigieg contends.
The total cost for all this is between $3 and $4 trillion, which is nothing compared to the universal basic income (UBI) and other socialist proposals coming from the Biden regime.
Since Beijing Biden’s open borders policies are generating upwards of $14 million per day for human traffickers, perhaps they could be taxed as well for every mile they drive across the border while hauling child sex slaves for the deep states.
The Biden regime could also just stop giving stimulus checks to illegal aliens and instead use that money for repairing roads. This would prevent already overtaxed Americans from being told to fork over even more of their hard-earned cash to pay for the Democrats pet initiatives.
“Fuel taxes are already a ‘mileage tax,'” wrote one commenter at Zero Hedge. “But Democrats are too stupid to understand that they already instituted a ‘mileage tax.'”
“How about the ‘spend American tax dollars on rebuilding roads and not foreign infrastructure bill,'” suggested another.
Many other commenters offered similar commentary, noting that fraudulent elections have consequences such as this – especially when American patriots refuse to rectify fraudulent elections as the founders provisioned for such a time as this.
“Dems are just getting warmed up,” another wrote.
“The birth tax, the just for living tax, the death tax, the big butt tax, the white skin tax, the Christian tax, the family tax, the straight person tax, the deplorable tax, the free thinker tax, the sunlight usage tax, the just because you are you tax …”
More related news about the fake Biden “presidency” can be found at Collapse.news.
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Tagged Under: big government, Build America Bonds, Buttigieg, Climate, democrat, driving, environment, fuel, gasoline, insanity, Liberty, Mayor Pete, mileage levy, miles, Pete Buttigieg, tax, Taxes, transportation